Monday, January 25, 2010

The World of Moxi

For Christmas Leah and Chris upgraded our cable tv package to include HDTV and a DVR (digital video recorder) or as Charter calls it, Moxi. We call it Maxi pain the rear! When the installer came to put it in our family room tv was working the time he was done so was our tv. It's never good to hear "Oh, nuts!" from a service guy. For the past month we have been watching tv on the 26" flat screen from our bedroom that was setting on top of our old 35" tube type. Quite a classy look! We are on our fifth Moxi box and have had to call for tech support on two other occassions but Norm has finally figured out how to work the remote and we love it.

Today, Norm and Aaron had a load of trash from a job site to take to the dump so they decided to throw the old tv on the truck and get rid of it as well. (It's amazing how heavy those old tube type tv's are.) Once they got it loaded they came back in and got the 26" set up on the old stand.
You can only imagine how funny that little tv looked sitting on that.

Everytime I walked past it I just had to laugh. It looked like a scene from "Small World" at Disney Land so I got creative and spent the day moving furniture around. The tv now sets on the baker's rack that was in the kitchen and every other piece of furniture that was in the family room except for the sofa table is now in a different place.

Needless to say Norm was surprised when he got home. He said that if they ever do a show on HGTV about changing a room while you're out for the day he was going to enter me.

Today's celebration is that change can be a good thing!

Today's Birthday Celebration-Nicole Tannehill

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