Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Date

Today everything here was pretty much shut down due to the snow storm we got overnight. As is usually the case the weather men were a little off but that's okay. When it comes to snow, less is always best especially because we don't know what happened to our snow shovel. We've been reduced to using a child size shovel I bought some time ago at an estate sale to paint on.
It was our first measurable snow fall for the year as well as for the winter and in anticipation of that school was canceled and nothing much was going on. After spending a couple of hours working in the office my husband Norm asked me if I'd like to go out for lunch and a movie......ohhhhhh a snow date!
We gave our friend Kathy a call to see if she'd like to join us but she had to work and had already had lunch so it was just the two of us.
After enjoying pasta con broccoli and rigatoni roma at Pasta House we headed for the matinee at the movie theatre where we bought tickets for the movie, "It's Complicated" with Meryl Streep and Alex Baldwin.
We haven't been to a movie at the theatre in awhile so I was surprised at the cost....$7.25 per person for the matinee. Yikes!
I will say though that it was probably the best $14.50 we've spent in a long while. What a delightful movie! Norm and I were two of only ten people in the theatre so we had our pick of seats, the movie was what Norm called a laugh out loud movie and we did do a lot of that, the music score was excellent...we found ourselves singing along to almost every song, and the best part was that we were there enjoying it together.
Afterwards we decided to go by Kathy's office to tell her she'd definitely have to make it a point to go see that movie but we had just missed her. Her husband, Gary, was locking up for the night and then heading home to get Kathy so they could meet up with another mutual friend, Squeaky Dave, for dollar burger night at Clancy's so we joined them.
I probably wouldn't want to pay much more than a dollar for the burgers there but there was a fire in the fireplace and the company was good.
Squeaky Dave was telling us all about how his girlfriend is flying in from Philadelphia on Saturday and then the two of them leave for Maui on Sunday for a week of beautiful beaches and balmy weather. Needless to say the rest of us were not only jealous of the two of them but we were stunned that he was willing to let go of some of his money. (Let me put it this way, we call him Squeaky because he makes Lincoln cry every time he pinches that penny.) But then the the whole story unveiled itself......Squeaky Dave owns and runs an in-ground sprinkler company and the whole cost of the trip is being picked up by Rain Bird, his biggest supplier. I guess we should have known! You go for it Squeaky...but just know, we'll be here freezing our buns off standing around the barbecue pit with a voodoo doll that looks just like you on a skewer thinking about how you're having to endure that eighty-five degree weather.
Food for may want to rethink that tour of the volcano........

Today there was plenty to celebrate, another great Meryl Streep movie (that's two for two so far this year), a WONDERFUL day spent with Norm and friends, and last but not least the anticipation of celebrating Dave's sunburned body.........
Today's Birthday Celebration-Nicole Royer

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