Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Big Birthday Celebration

Tonight Norm and I stopped by our friend's Alex and Susie's house to wish Alex "Happy Birthday" and to make sure they were packed and ready for their trip to California for the big birthday bash. On Thursday Alex turns eighty so they are going to spend the day at Disney Land with the grand children. Then Saturday his children are throwing him a big party at the home of his oldest son. The celebration was to be here in St. Louis originally but because most of Alex's children and family live in California they decided to have it there instead. I don't remember who came up with the idea of having it there but what a great idea it was, especially in light of the weather forecast for St. Louis this week...cold, cold and more cold.

If you've followed my blog you'll know that Alex has Alzheimer's so this is not just a birthday celebration. It is so much more. For some this may be the last time they see Alex or the person they knew as Alex. For others it may be the last time Alex remembers who they are. Regardless it will be a celebration of love for a man that they will always know as husband, dad, or brother.

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