Sunday, January 10, 2010

Remembering Aunt Audrey

Today Norm's Aunt Audrey would have turned 69 but unfortunately for all of us who loved her she's no longer with us.
Last month Audrey sat down in her sun room to take a nap and never awoke.
A lot can be said about Audrey, she was someone who left her mark in this world in a big way, just ask anyone who knew her. She was small in stature but a more dynamic person you'll never meet. We lovingly called her "the General" because if she was around she was in charge!
She took care of us all!
We loved stopping by her house to visit her and Uncle Jim. She was always glad to see you and you could rest assure she had a Pepsi there with your name on it.
Audrey, we miss you terribly and still can't believe you're gone but we have so many good memories of times spent together to sustain us.

Today we celebrate the birth of a very special lady for whom all our lives are better for having known her and been loved by her.

Audrey Lee Henderson Spain 1/10/1941-12/8/2009

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