Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Late Night Calls

Got two phone calls late last night.....

The first was from our son in law Chris wanting to know if we could babysit Sam, our twenty month old grandson, so he could take a substitute teaching assignment today.
Chris is in the midst of a career change and just finished his student teaching assignment right before Christmas. He now has his teaching certificate and is actively trying to find a job teaching high school business classes. Because of the time of the year there aren't a lot of job openings, thus the substitute teaching assignments. He only has a few credit hours to take this coming semester and he'll have his master's degree plus. We're so proud of him for all his accomplishments!
Sam was up and atom when he got here at six thirty this morning but Ma Ma wasn't so Pa Pa was a sweet heart and took care of him so I could sleep in a bit. Thank you Pa Pa!
I didn't get much done around the house today but Sam and I did manage to get the Shark steam mop I got for Christmas out of the box and while I tried out the mop, Sam played with the box. It's amazing how much fun little ones can have with a box.
Sam played so hard all morning that after lunch it was all he could do to stay awake and I was actually able to get him to take a nap for me, something he doesn't often do!
Today I celebrated spending time with two of my favorite men on this planet, Sam and his Pa Pa Norm; the thought of never having to mop the floors again on my hands and knees; and the quiet time spent watching a beautiful little boy sleeping.

The second was from a friend, Susie, who's furnace decided not to work on of course one of the coldest nights we've had so far this winter.
Susie's husband Alex unfortunately has Alzheimer's so we went over to see if there was anything we could do other than offer our guest room for the night. It was 67 degrees when we got there. The blower motor was working and the gas was on but but it just wouldn't fire back up so we called our heating and cooling guy, Randy, and he was there first thing this morning to get it fixed.
Susie and Alex turned down the offer of our guest room saying they would just snuggle up together for the night. None of us had any idea that the temperature in the house would get down to 51 degrees by morning. Brrr!!!!!!! When we spoke to Susie this morning she said even their dog wrapped up in a blanket because it was so cold!
The way I see it today Susie and Alex had a lot to celebrate! Susie's day off was today so she didn't miss a days work to have her furnace repaired, she didn't have to get a shower this morning in the cold and Randy was able to repair their old furnace! Yeah!!!!

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