Friday, January 29, 2010

Mobile Ma Ma

This morning I was the mobile babysitting Ma Ma. I went to Wentzville to my son's house to babysit Sam, and the two little ones, Maci and Pierce, that my daughter in law, Bethani, babysits so that she and my four year old grandson, Zac, could go to orientation at the high school. Yes, I said high school. Zac starts high school on Tuesday of next week or at least that's what he thinks. He really starts pre-school but it's at the high school so he says he's going to high school which doesn't impress our oldest grandson Collin much. Collin is in the second grade and he says he's "way smarter than any four year old". For some reason Collin thinks that Zac is going to graduate before he does. Wonder where he got that idea.......Pa Pa!?!

After Bethani and Zac got home Sam and I went back to his house for the day. He was exhausted from playing with Pierce all morning. Neither one of them talk much but they sure can squeal. Pierce would have something Sam wanted and vice a versa so they spent the morning chasing each other all over the house. One minute they were squaring off over a toy and the next they were hugging each other. Go figure. Maci on the other hand just entertained herself by watching tv but every now and then she would have to tattle on one of the boys.

I thought that I might get Sam to lay down for a nap in his crib especially after he almost fell asleep in his high chair while he was eating lunch but no way. I put him in it and he immediately started to cry. I know, I'm weak but I just can't stand to hear a little one cry, so I got him out and we played until he just couldn't go anymore.

By the time I got home I too just couldn't go anymore and neither could Norm so we celebrated a quiet evening at home in front of the tv.

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