Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dreary Week

Haven't been very diligent about writing this last week. Missed six days out of seven. Just couldn't get motivated to do much of anything. I guess it must be the weather. Even though we've had 50 degree days it's been cloudy, rainy and just darn dreary. Come on Spring!!!!

Sam came to visit on Wednesday and Friday this week. He played so hard both days that I actually got him to take a nap. He's beginning to talk more and more every time I see him. Yesterday he actually called me "Ma Ma". Naturally, Pa Pa wasn't around to hear it so he's sceptical and of course now I can't get him to say it again! Leah and Chris heard him though.

Friday night we had a great time visiting with Norm's Uncle Jim. We had stopped by to see him on Thursday night but he wasn't home so we called him Friday night to see if he'd like to meet us at the Casino for dinner. He had already eaten but joined us just the same for dessert. He looks great! He said he's been walking at the park on nice days and at the mall on rainy days and he's dropped twenty pounds. We're so glad to know he's getting out and doing things.

Last night it was rainy and dreary again so we stopped at McDonalds and got two more Red Box movies. The first was just awful, in fact I still can't believe we sat and watched the whole thing. I guess we were just hoping it was going to get better but it never did. It was called "World's Greatest Dad" with Robin Williams. Don't waste your money!!!! The second was "Four Christmas's" with Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. Spend your money on that one! It was pretty funny. (By the return glitches this time! Yea!)

Tonight Chris, Leah and Sam came over. Norm and Chris watched the New Orleans Saints play the Minnesota Vikings while Leah, Sam and I went and got Popeye's Chicken for dinner. The closest one is on Manchester Road just off Hanley (about 15 miles away). Just found out tonight that you can no longer get off of Highway 40 at Hanley. You have to get off at the Brentwood exit or do like we did and get off at Big Ben and back track. We decided it was easier to just stay on Manchester Road until we got to Highway 270 rather than try to figure out the new Highway 40 at night.

I'm hoping for a better week this coming week even though the weatherman is predicting snow. We all know that you can never trust those predictions, especially if you live in St. Louis so here's to celebrating the coming week come what may!

Belated Birthday Celebrations-Joan Hart Jan 20, Jessica Hood Jan 21, and "Squeaky" Dave Horowitz Jan. 22

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