Monday, January 18, 2010

Squeaky's Back!

Had to go back to Clancy's for another dollar burger night because Squeaky Dave and his girlfriend got back from their Maui trip this morning and he wanted her to meet us.

First of all we were glad to see their cherry red faces (guess the voodoo doll worked) and second of all to finally meet her. We were beginning to wonder if there really was a girlfriend. She has been to St. Louis several times in the past but he's never brought her around. I guess he was afraid we'd scare her off with our stories of him if he brought her around too early in their relationship. Come to think of it, he was probably now she's got too much time invested in him to let a few of our stories run her off.

From the sound of things they had a great trip despite the long flight there and back. First thing Dave showed us was the picture he took the day they left St. Louis for Maui and then of the one he took from the balcony of his hotel room when they arrived in Hawaii. Like we really needed to be reminded of that cold gray snowy day.....we lived it!!! And no we're not bitter......well, okay maybe just a little!

Even though we didn't get to enjoy a week in Maui we can celebrate the fact that we aren't the sunburned ones!

Belated Birthday Celebrations-Joe Farinella Jan 16

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