Monday, January 11, 2010

Embellish It!

Came home today to find a box of goodies on my door step that I had ordered from an online scrapbook store called "Embellish It!". I know what Norm was thinking when he saw that box... great just what we need...more crap (craft) stuff!

Okay, so maybe I do have a high S.P.S.I. (Shit Per Square Inch)! I probably even exceed the legal limit on it, but, it's for the kids......and it was on clearance!

Whenever the grandsons, Collin and Zac, come over we always have to do a craft and they'll be so ecstatic when they see the Halloween stuff I ordered for them. (Halloween is their favorite holiday.)

When the boys were here last I got out the colored pencils, crayons, markers and paper and we spent the morning drawing. It wasn't until afterwards that Zac who's four informed me that drawing isn't a craft. It's amazing how much you can learn from a four year old because I didn't know that!

Can't wait to celebrate their next visit. I've got a Valentine's Day project in mind and it doesn't involve any drawing.

Today's Birthday Celebration-Janet Henderson

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