Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Life Well Lived

Someone once said "a life well lived is a life worth living". So true, yet so sad when you think about friends and loved ones that didn't get the opportunity to live a longer life.

Today is the seventeenth anniversary of my dad's death. He died on this date in 1993 from a brain hemorrhage at the age of fifty-seven.

Even though my eyes well up with tears as I write this I still have to smile as I picture his face with that big grin on it and the sparkle he always had in those hazel green eyes of his. Those same hazel green eyes look back at me everyday when I look in the mirror.

I was blessed with a lot of his genes. I got his high forehead, his nose, and his shapely legs.....yes, I said shapely. (He had great looking legs for a man.)

I will always remember him as someone who was fun loving and kind, although he could get mad on occasion and put together some interesting combinations of curse words. But more than anything else I remember how much he loved us because he wasn't afraid or too manly to show us his tender side.

Thank you, dad for being you and for the love you shared with us all!

Today we celebrate your life, not your death because it truly was a life well lived!

Gerry Eldon Pearce 1/30/1935-1/5/1993.

1 comment:

  1. Kris,
    I know you miss your Dad; it's hard to lose someone you love so much, but you have the comfort of knowing how much he loved you in return.

    After seeing the photo of your dad, I now see where Aaron and the boys get the family resemblance. Never realised it was him they looked like. The genes from both Davis and Pearce are very strong - and goodlooking!

    Love ya,
