Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vacation Memories

Tonight we went to dinner with our current clients for whom we are remodeling their master bath room. It is such a pleasure to work with and for people who appreciate our work as much as we appreciate their business.

Over the course of dinner we got on the subject of vacations. They had just spent several days in Branson, Missouri over the Christmas holiday taking in the shows as well as Silver Dollar City. We told them how much we enjoy driving down there and then we got on the subject of our driving trip several years ago to the East Coast.

Chevy Chase has nothing on us, in fact it seems that any trip we take could be a sequel to the National Lampoon Vacation.

Our trip to the East Coast was a spur of the moment impromptu decision. We had no set plans on where we were going or where we were going to stay. We just got in the van one morning and headed East. We left St. Louis in the rain and we stayed under that same rain cloud all the way to Washington D.C. where after a lovely day of touring the city we were robbed. Someone threw a brick through the window of our mini van while we were having dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and stole everything we had in the van. Our van was parked in front of the F.B.I. building.

From D.C. we turned north and worked our way up the coast to Philadelphia where we found a replacement glass for our van. It just so happened that the glass company was in a seedy neighborhood. When we entered we went through a fenced in area with razor wire above the fence, they shut the gate and then sent us into a second fenced in area where they again shut the gate and had us pull into the building. Once inside the building they closed the door and then allowed us to exit the car and that's where the second robbery occurred. This time however we saw who robbed us and even thanked them for doing it. I'm sure if we had replaced that piece of glass at a shop at home it would have only been a fraction of the cost.
From Philly we again headed north working our way up the coast to the Big Apple. We got there too late in the day to take the ferry to Ellis Island but we met two guys in the park there that convinced us that we just had to go into the city and look around. That's where the third robbery occurred and once again we saw who robbed us. Just know when a parking attendant in New York City tells you that it costs $10.00 to park that doesn't mean $10.00. It means $10.00 an hour and there is usually a minimum number of hours that you have to pay for.
I could go on for hours about all the different things that happened to us on this trip but it's getting late and I've got another 356 days of blogging to do this year so I'll stop here for now.
By the way if anyone would like to accompany us on our next trip just let me know. I guarantee you you'll have a great time!
Remember, celebrate life every matter what'll always have a story to tell!

Today's Birthday Celebration-Sharon Meyer
Belated Birthday Celebrations-Susie Mariano Jan 7 and Bob Alexander Jan 12 (the BIG 80!)
Red Box took their movie back today!

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