Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is Every Box Full?

Have you ever tried to return a movie to Red Box only to find out that no matter where you go or how many times you try they just won't take it back. Well, that's what happened to me today.

My first attempt was at the McDonald's on Clarkson Road in Chesterfield but it was full. From there I went to the McDonald's on Highway K in O'Fallon only to find out that they don't have a Red Box. I then went next door to the Walgreen's where they do have a Red Box but, you guessed it, it too was full. No problem I thought the McDonald's at Long Road in Chesterfield has one.....Problem! Yep, it was full as well. At that point I decided to give Red Box a call and was put on hold for what seemed liked forever. They agreed to not charge me for another nights rental if I couldn't find some place to return it.

By that point I wasn't looking for another place. After dinner though I decided to try one last time and back to the McDonald's on Clarkson Road I went only to find their dinning area closed.

I'm hoping to celebrate the quick return of this movie tomorrow and for any of you who would like to try your own Red Box experience please feel free to use the following Promo Code for a free one night rental. RTKDJ2V

Warning! Offer does not include gas money or cell phone minutes and may cause undo aggravation upon attempting a return!

Today's Birthday Celebration-Rhonda Fech (the big 49!)

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