Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Estimator

Norm Davis Construction has a new job estimator on the payroll as of today. He's a man of very few words and he didn't require a large salary, just a sippy cup of milk and a few cookies. Welcome to the company, Samuel Meyer.
Samuel must have had the first day on the job jitters because during lunch he lost his lunch all over his desk (aka high chair). Luckily, the owner of the company Norm himself was there to help clean up after him. A quick bath, a change of clothes and a short nap later and he was back hard at it the rest of the afternoon.
Hang in there Sam, it's all down hill from here on out, especially if you're in tight with the owner, he's a push over! Just ask your cousins, Collin and Zac.
Celebrating our third great addition to the business!
Today's Birthday Celebration-Alex Mariano
Belated Birthday Celebrations-Mike Hawk Jan 27, Tom Ruotolo Jan 27, Judy Linder Jan 27
Belated Anniversary Wishes-Joe & Janet Henderson Jan 27

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