Friday, January 29, 2010

Mobile Ma Ma

This morning I was the mobile babysitting Ma Ma. I went to Wentzville to my son's house to babysit Sam, and the two little ones, Maci and Pierce, that my daughter in law, Bethani, babysits so that she and my four year old grandson, Zac, could go to orientation at the high school. Yes, I said high school. Zac starts high school on Tuesday of next week or at least that's what he thinks. He really starts pre-school but it's at the high school so he says he's going to high school which doesn't impress our oldest grandson Collin much. Collin is in the second grade and he says he's "way smarter than any four year old". For some reason Collin thinks that Zac is going to graduate before he does. Wonder where he got that idea.......Pa Pa!?!

After Bethani and Zac got home Sam and I went back to his house for the day. He was exhausted from playing with Pierce all morning. Neither one of them talk much but they sure can squeal. Pierce would have something Sam wanted and vice a versa so they spent the morning chasing each other all over the house. One minute they were squaring off over a toy and the next they were hugging each other. Go figure. Maci on the other hand just entertained herself by watching tv but every now and then she would have to tattle on one of the boys.

I thought that I might get Sam to lay down for a nap in his crib especially after he almost fell asleep in his high chair while he was eating lunch but no way. I put him in it and he immediately started to cry. I know, I'm weak but I just can't stand to hear a little one cry, so I got him out and we played until he just couldn't go anymore.

By the time I got home I too just couldn't go anymore and neither could Norm so we celebrated a quiet evening at home in front of the tv.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Estimator

Norm Davis Construction has a new job estimator on the payroll as of today. He's a man of very few words and he didn't require a large salary, just a sippy cup of milk and a few cookies. Welcome to the company, Samuel Meyer.
Samuel must have had the first day on the job jitters because during lunch he lost his lunch all over his desk (aka high chair). Luckily, the owner of the company Norm himself was there to help clean up after him. A quick bath, a change of clothes and a short nap later and he was back hard at it the rest of the afternoon.
Hang in there Sam, it's all down hill from here on out, especially if you're in tight with the owner, he's a push over! Just ask your cousins, Collin and Zac.
Celebrating our third great addition to the business!
Today's Birthday Celebration-Alex Mariano
Belated Birthday Celebrations-Mike Hawk Jan 27, Tom Ruotolo Jan 27, Judy Linder Jan 27
Belated Anniversary Wishes-Joe & Janet Henderson Jan 27

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Big Birthday Celebration

Tonight Norm and I stopped by our friend's Alex and Susie's house to wish Alex "Happy Birthday" and to make sure they were packed and ready for their trip to California for the big birthday bash. On Thursday Alex turns eighty so they are going to spend the day at Disney Land with the grand children. Then Saturday his children are throwing him a big party at the home of his oldest son. The celebration was to be here in St. Louis originally but because most of Alex's children and family live in California they decided to have it there instead. I don't remember who came up with the idea of having it there but what a great idea it was, especially in light of the weather forecast for St. Louis this week...cold, cold and more cold.

If you've followed my blog you'll know that Alex has Alzheimer's so this is not just a birthday celebration. It is so much more. For some this may be the last time they see Alex or the person they knew as Alex. For others it may be the last time Alex remembers who they are. Regardless it will be a celebration of love for a man that they will always know as husband, dad, or brother.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The World of Moxi

For Christmas Leah and Chris upgraded our cable tv package to include HDTV and a DVR (digital video recorder) or as Charter calls it, Moxi. We call it Maxi pain the rear! When the installer came to put it in our family room tv was working the time he was done so was our tv. It's never good to hear "Oh, nuts!" from a service guy. For the past month we have been watching tv on the 26" flat screen from our bedroom that was setting on top of our old 35" tube type. Quite a classy look! We are on our fifth Moxi box and have had to call for tech support on two other occassions but Norm has finally figured out how to work the remote and we love it.

Today, Norm and Aaron had a load of trash from a job site to take to the dump so they decided to throw the old tv on the truck and get rid of it as well. (It's amazing how heavy those old tube type tv's are.) Once they got it loaded they came back in and got the 26" set up on the old stand.
You can only imagine how funny that little tv looked sitting on that.

Everytime I walked past it I just had to laugh. It looked like a scene from "Small World" at Disney Land so I got creative and spent the day moving furniture around. The tv now sets on the baker's rack that was in the kitchen and every other piece of furniture that was in the family room except for the sofa table is now in a different place.

Needless to say Norm was surprised when he got home. He said that if they ever do a show on HGTV about changing a room while you're out for the day he was going to enter me.

Today's celebration is that change can be a good thing!

Today's Birthday Celebration-Nicole Tannehill

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dreary Week

Haven't been very diligent about writing this last week. Missed six days out of seven. Just couldn't get motivated to do much of anything. I guess it must be the weather. Even though we've had 50 degree days it's been cloudy, rainy and just darn dreary. Come on Spring!!!!

Sam came to visit on Wednesday and Friday this week. He played so hard both days that I actually got him to take a nap. He's beginning to talk more and more every time I see him. Yesterday he actually called me "Ma Ma". Naturally, Pa Pa wasn't around to hear it so he's sceptical and of course now I can't get him to say it again! Leah and Chris heard him though.

Friday night we had a great time visiting with Norm's Uncle Jim. We had stopped by to see him on Thursday night but he wasn't home so we called him Friday night to see if he'd like to meet us at the Casino for dinner. He had already eaten but joined us just the same for dessert. He looks great! He said he's been walking at the park on nice days and at the mall on rainy days and he's dropped twenty pounds. We're so glad to know he's getting out and doing things.

Last night it was rainy and dreary again so we stopped at McDonalds and got two more Red Box movies. The first was just awful, in fact I still can't believe we sat and watched the whole thing. I guess we were just hoping it was going to get better but it never did. It was called "World's Greatest Dad" with Robin Williams. Don't waste your money!!!! The second was "Four Christmas's" with Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. Spend your money on that one! It was pretty funny. (By the return glitches this time! Yea!)

Tonight Chris, Leah and Sam came over. Norm and Chris watched the New Orleans Saints play the Minnesota Vikings while Leah, Sam and I went and got Popeye's Chicken for dinner. The closest one is on Manchester Road just off Hanley (about 15 miles away). Just found out tonight that you can no longer get off of Highway 40 at Hanley. You have to get off at the Brentwood exit or do like we did and get off at Big Ben and back track. We decided it was easier to just stay on Manchester Road until we got to Highway 270 rather than try to figure out the new Highway 40 at night.

I'm hoping for a better week this coming week even though the weatherman is predicting snow. We all know that you can never trust those predictions, especially if you live in St. Louis so here's to celebrating the coming week come what may!

Belated Birthday Celebrations-Joan Hart Jan 20, Jessica Hood Jan 21, and "Squeaky" Dave Horowitz Jan. 22

Monday, January 18, 2010

Squeaky's Back!

Had to go back to Clancy's for another dollar burger night because Squeaky Dave and his girlfriend got back from their Maui trip this morning and he wanted her to meet us.

First of all we were glad to see their cherry red faces (guess the voodoo doll worked) and second of all to finally meet her. We were beginning to wonder if there really was a girlfriend. She has been to St. Louis several times in the past but he's never brought her around. I guess he was afraid we'd scare her off with our stories of him if he brought her around too early in their relationship. Come to think of it, he was probably now she's got too much time invested in him to let a few of our stories run her off.

From the sound of things they had a great trip despite the long flight there and back. First thing Dave showed us was the picture he took the day they left St. Louis for Maui and then of the one he took from the balcony of his hotel room when they arrived in Hawaii. Like we really needed to be reminded of that cold gray snowy day.....we lived it!!! And no we're not bitter......well, okay maybe just a little!

Even though we didn't get to enjoy a week in Maui we can celebrate the fact that we aren't the sunburned ones!

Belated Birthday Celebrations-Joe Farinella Jan 16

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vacation Memories

Tonight we went to dinner with our current clients for whom we are remodeling their master bath room. It is such a pleasure to work with and for people who appreciate our work as much as we appreciate their business.

Over the course of dinner we got on the subject of vacations. They had just spent several days in Branson, Missouri over the Christmas holiday taking in the shows as well as Silver Dollar City. We told them how much we enjoy driving down there and then we got on the subject of our driving trip several years ago to the East Coast.

Chevy Chase has nothing on us, in fact it seems that any trip we take could be a sequel to the National Lampoon Vacation.

Our trip to the East Coast was a spur of the moment impromptu decision. We had no set plans on where we were going or where we were going to stay. We just got in the van one morning and headed East. We left St. Louis in the rain and we stayed under that same rain cloud all the way to Washington D.C. where after a lovely day of touring the city we were robbed. Someone threw a brick through the window of our mini van while we were having dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and stole everything we had in the van. Our van was parked in front of the F.B.I. building.

From D.C. we turned north and worked our way up the coast to Philadelphia where we found a replacement glass for our van. It just so happened that the glass company was in a seedy neighborhood. When we entered we went through a fenced in area with razor wire above the fence, they shut the gate and then sent us into a second fenced in area where they again shut the gate and had us pull into the building. Once inside the building they closed the door and then allowed us to exit the car and that's where the second robbery occurred. This time however we saw who robbed us and even thanked them for doing it. I'm sure if we had replaced that piece of glass at a shop at home it would have only been a fraction of the cost.
From Philly we again headed north working our way up the coast to the Big Apple. We got there too late in the day to take the ferry to Ellis Island but we met two guys in the park there that convinced us that we just had to go into the city and look around. That's where the third robbery occurred and once again we saw who robbed us. Just know when a parking attendant in New York City tells you that it costs $10.00 to park that doesn't mean $10.00. It means $10.00 an hour and there is usually a minimum number of hours that you have to pay for.
I could go on for hours about all the different things that happened to us on this trip but it's getting late and I've got another 356 days of blogging to do this year so I'll stop here for now.
By the way if anyone would like to accompany us on our next trip just let me know. I guarantee you you'll have a great time!
Remember, celebrate life every matter what'll always have a story to tell!

Today's Birthday Celebration-Sharon Meyer
Belated Birthday Celebrations-Susie Mariano Jan 7 and Bob Alexander Jan 12 (the BIG 80!)
Red Box took their movie back today!